
Co-op Critics Podcast Goes Weekly With Party Chat

If you subscribe to our YouTube channel, you may have noticed a new series that popped up a few weeks ago. It’s called Co-Op Critics Party Chat, and it’s a weekly dose of games discussion that will cover a variety of topics. In the past, the Co-Op Critics podcast has been a focused and in-depth discussion of one particular game or series. And our longer-form podcast will continue to be that. But we wanted to have a weekly podcast series that could serve both our YouTube audience and our longtime podcast listeners. Party Chat is that series.

Each week, we’ll be having a 15-minute or so chat about a particular topic, whether it’s what we’re currently playing, breaking news in the games industry, first impressions of a big release, or changes and updates to longtime favorites.On the YouTube channel, Party Chat will also feature gameplay related to whatever that week’s topic is. But for those who just want to hear the discussion, we’ll be posting the Party Chat episodes on our audio podcast feed as well.

We’ve already got four episodes up, and we’ve talked about the Switch launch, updates to The Division and Overwatch, impressions of 7 Days to Die and more. You can check them all out on the Party Chat playlist right here.

We hope you enjoy these weekly discussions, and we welcome suggested topics for future episodes. Feel free to send them our way in the comments, or hit us up at