Games We’re Excited About: January 2017
Ah, January–the dead month. As much as year-long game releases have spread the love out over most of the year now, January is still a pretty quiet month for releases. But there’s usually one big release stuck somewhere in the month, and this year it’s a brand new Resident Evil game. But it’s not the only one we’re excited about this month. Here’s our short but sweet list:
Road Redemption (PS4, Xbox One)–January 15
Remember Road Rash, the motorcycle racing/brawler hybrid from the SEGA Genesis? Well, developers Pixel Dash Studios and EQ Games do, and they’ve created a spiritual successor that builds on the gameplay of the original. While Road Rash featured melee combat, Road Redemption is adding in firearms as well. I feel like it’s time for another vehicle combat game, and I have super fond memories of the original Road Rash.
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard–January 24 (Xbox One, PS4, PC)
Is this the one? The game that finally returns the Resident Evil franchise to its former horror-filled glory? Over the past several years, the only RE game I’ve played that came close to capturing the old magic was the first Revelations game for the DS. But everything we’ve seen so far from RE7 looks absolutely terrifying. I don’t think I’m ready for the VR version yet, but I cannot wait to play it on the big screen, with my headphones on and the lights turned off. Bring it.
Hitman: The Complete First Season (PS4, Xbox One, PC)–January 31
I’ll admit it—I’ve never been a real big fan of the Hitman series. But the latest iteration and the episodic way in which it rolled out has received such critical acclaim, that I need to see what the fuss is all about. This collections features all the locations and episodes from the first season, and Ubisoft is boasting that it contains over 100 hours of gameplay.
There may not be much coming out this month, there’s enough. And we still have a ton of games to catch up on from last year and before (not to mention everything we grabbed during the Steam Winter Sale). What are you excited about in January? let us know in the comments below!