Games We’re Excited About: March 2016

As we head into March, the game release floodgates are really starting to open for the year. This month features some heavy-hitters, a slew of great indie games and at least something for everyone on all platforms. Here are some games that we here at Co-Op Critics are excited for in March:



The Division (Xbox One, PS4, PC)–March 8
As we discussed on our most recent podcast, The Division is of interest to us because of what we’ve experienced with Destiny over the past year and change. A third-person shooter set in a post-pandemic New York, The Division is an MMO, complete with a hub world, quests, PvE and PvP, and rpg-like character progression. You can play either single or multiplayer, and PvP takes place in an area called the Dark Zone, where you can battle other players and find better loot, which you’ll need to extract from the Dark Zone in order to keep.

The Division has some really interesting ideas, but then again, so did Destiny. We’re looking forward to seeing just how much content The Division launches with, especially since there’s already a $40 season pass featuring three expansions.



Trackmania Tubro (XBox One, PS4, PC)–March 22
Finally! Trackmania, a huge series on PC, is coming to the current gen of consoles. We really liked Trackmania Turbo for the DS, and the Wii version was fairly well received in 2011, but this is the one we’ve been waiting for. The track-building and short-but-exciting style of play could make this game as big a hit on consoles as it has been on PC.



Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet (PC)–March 22
Back in 2007, comedian and filmmaker Alasdair Beckett created a freeware adventure game called Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy. The game was very well-received, and when Alasdair launched a Kickstarter in 2013 for the sequel, it was funded successfully. A point and click adventure game that uses the Unity3D engine, Nelly Cootlalot is a fun, all-ages tale featuring a young girl on a mission to rescue a flock of birds from the local villain, Baron Widebeard. Doctor Who fans will be excited to know that the legendary Tom Baker voices Nelly’s sidekick.



Hyrule Warriors: Legends (3DS)–March 25
When Hyrule Warriors debuted on WiiU a while back, it was a pleasant surprise for those expecting a shoddy Dynasty Warriors port with a Zelda skin. The 3DS version will have most of the content and modes of the WiiU game, and a new “My Fairy” mode, where you can befriend and train fairies to use in battle. Sounds Persona-y.



MLB: The Show 16 (PS3, PS4)–March 29
You would think the lack of competition might result in The Show dev Sony Dan Diego getting complacent. You would be wrong. They bring it every year with The Show, and we don’t expect this year to be any different. Improvements to the baserunning system and a revamped Road to the Show Mode are among this year’s enhancement. A new mecahnic called ShowTime will let you slow down certain moments during the game to give players a better chance to make big plays.

As always, there are more games coming out in March, and these are just some of our personal picks, so please sound off in the comments and let us know what games you’re excited to see this month!