#PS2PS4: What Games Do You Want?
And we thought backward compatibility wouldn’t be a thing this generation.
For a while the WiiU was the only console this generation that was backward compatible. Both Sony and Microsoft seemed to imply that backward compatibility wasn’t something that was really all that important to gamers, and there were no plans for either the PS4 or the Xbox One to be backward compatible.
Shortly after the PS4 launched in Fall 2013 though, there was a glimmer of hope. Sony came to CES and announced PlayStation Now, a streaming service where you’d be able to play PS3 games on your PS4. But, the subscription rates and per-game pricing were not low enough to get the majority of PS4 owners to come aboard the service. In my opinion, PlayStation now should have been a feature of a PlayStation Plus subscription, but what do I know. In any case, it didn’t turn out to be the backward compatibility solution we–or Sony–hoped it would be.
But Xbox One needed a hail mary to try and reverse its fortunes in the console sales war, and they surprised many at E3 this year when they announced that backward compatibility was coming to Xbox One in 2015. The first bunch of games arrived in November, and while the list isn’t that impressive yet, the potential is there for sure.
The story of Sony’s foray into PS2 backward compatibility is a little bit weird. Basically, to celebrate the release of Star Wars Battlefront, Sony released some PS2 era Star Wars games on PS4. Someone figured out that the games were actually running on a PS2 emulator, which meant that other games could also function on PS4 through the same type of emulation. To their credit, when Sony was called out on it, they rolled with it, stating they were working on bringing PS2 emulation to the PS4. A little over a week ago, the first batch of 12 PS2 games arrived on the PlayStation store.
And now, Sony is asking PlayStation fans to tell them what PS2 games they’d like to see come to PS4. You can go on Twitter and use the hashtag #PS2PS4 to suggest titles.
Here’s a few off the top of our heads that we’d like to see:
Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance–Old school isometric D&D action roleplaying at its best.
Onimusha–one of the most beautiful action games ever created. I remember being blown away the first time I saw it.
The Punisher–a criminally (no pun intended) overlooked game, The Punisher was one of the few video games that actually lived up to the spirit of the character. Not to mention it features a story written by one of our favorite comic writers, Jimmy Palmiotti.
Spider-Man 2–The best Spider-Man game ever created, and one of the best superhero games of all time.
NFL Gameday 2004–My favorite NFL game franchise, and that year’s edition featured my favorite player on the cover. Win-win.
So, what’s on your wishlist for PS titles you want on PS4? Let us know in the comments!