The Zen of Fishing in Minecraft
Fishing is pretty much my favorite thing to do in Minecraft, nowadays.
One of the things that makes Minecraft such an enduring game is the fact that you can focus on any one aspect of it, and that can become a game in and of itself. If you just want to build stuff, you can. If you want it to be an RPG, adventure-style game, it can be that. And if you just want a fishing simulator, well, Minecraft has you covered there, too.
On Co-Op Craft: Family Edition, my son Parker and I have started making excursions into the Nether, which means we’re dying a lot more, and we need better gear. One of the best ways to level up in Minecraft is fishing, because not only do you end up with tons of food, but you can rack up levels pretty quickly, and you can even score some loot. I’ve reeled in enchanted bows and fishing rods, as well as my share of bones, name tags and ink sacs. But it’s always productive, as no matter what I reel in, I’m gaining experience.
Because you can kind of zone out while fishing, it’s a pretty Zen-like experience. You can just chill, maybe listen to your favorite podcast (like Co-Op Critics), or some music, and enjoy the tranquility.
The funny thing is, I don’t even like fish.