The Xbox Ultimate Game Sale Has Some Ridiculous Deals
We here at Co-Op Critics only have so much money to spend on games every month, so there’s a lot we either miss, or come back to much later on. The one nice thing about not being able to play everything at launch is the likelihood that you’ll get some nice discounts down the road.
This week is a great week for grabbing previously released games, as Xbox just launched their Ultimate Game Sale, featuring huge discounts for both Xbox 360 and Xbox One games. You can find the entire list of discounts here, but below are a few of our picks for Xbox One:
NBA Live 15 ($9)
Yes, it got mediocre reviews, and we know it can’t hold a candle to the 2K series, but for nine bucks, we’ll take some next-gen basketball action.
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris ($8)
We loved Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. And a four-player co-op game for eight bucks? Sold.
Sniper Elite III ($10)
With all of the twitch-based shooters on the market, sometimes a change of pace is nice. We’ll take our time with this one.
There’s plenty of other great discounts on the list as well, featuring some big names like Destiny, Forza 5, Shadow of Mordor and Alien Isolation. So if you missed any of those, now’s your chance to grab them for 30-50% off.
So, what are you planning on grabbing this week?