UPDATED: Minecraft Duplication Glitch (TU27)

In this Minecraft Quick Tip, I show you an easy duplication glitch that works on all consoles in TU27 including Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, and PS3! You can use this glitch to duplicate any items that can be formed into blocks like: Diamonds, Wheat, Redstone, Coal, Iron, Gold, and Emerald.

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  • Russell Jones

    It’s the timing. Oncw you get to about 15 blocks, give it a whole second before you change it into blocks from diamonds. I got up to 40, its just not worth the time it takes. With the gold, it is also timing. You don’t need to go down up, you just need to give it a little extra time, so your character picks up the ingots before you’ve converted all of the ones in your hand