Mario, Peach, Luigi and Daisy

The Gaming Cosplay of ConnectiCon 2016

This weekend I was at ConnectiCon in Hartford Connecticut, a great show I’ve attended for years in my local area. Of all the shows I attend on a yearly basis (including NYCC), ConnectiCon always has the best cosplays, hands down.  This year was no exception. Here are just some of the amazing cosplays I saw at the show.

My favorite cosplay of the day was Moonarchy’s D.Va cosplay, which was amazing. You can check out her Facebook page to see some pics of the making of her costume, which will really give you an appreciation of the level of detail that went into it.

I was actually surprised there weren’t more Overwatch cosplays, as the character design in that game is so good I figure I’d bee seeing them everywhere. In any case, the level of craftsmanship in the costumes I saw was super impressive, and these pics are just a small sample. Can’t wait to go back next year!